2019-2020 season and covid-19 announcement

Dear Transept friends,   

Out of appreciation for the health and safety of all of our musicians, collaborators, and audiences, Transept will be cancelling the remainder of our 2019-2020 season. This includes Cathedral Masterpieces (May 16), our Fundraiser & Silent Auction (June 25), and Surround Sound (June 27).


Virtual Cathedral Masterpieces Concert 

May 16, 2020 at 7 PM streaming on our facebook page (link)

Highlights from our May of 2019 concert, including works by Palestrina, Allegri, Hildegard, Tallis, Sheppard, Bruckner, Vaughan Williams, Hagen, and more. This was a stunning concert, celebrating the 100th Anniversary to the day of the dedication of the Cathedral of St. Joseph and featuring special guests, the O’Gorman HS Concert Choir. Join us on the Facebook livestream and take part in the online chat to tell us your favorite moments and pieces. 

We will have some Transept swag to give away to those listening!


SURROUND SOUND: Polychoral Works
of the Renaissance, Baroque & Beyond

saturday, june 27, 2020 at 7:30 PM

at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph
521 N Duluth Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Experience a sonic feast for the senses as music for multiple choirs reverberates throughout the Cathedral. Period instruments from the 16th and 17th centuries are joined with the virtuosic voices of Transept in an exploration of polychoral music from the Renaissance and Baroque through modern eras. 

This concert is part of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph's 2019-20 Sacred Arts Series.

past performances in THE 2019-20 SEASON


TRANSEPT CHRISTMAS: How Can I Recognize My Home?

saturday, december 14, 2019 at 7:30 PM

at first congregational church
300 S Minnesota Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

A journey in search of home, Transept Christmas fuses vocal music from many genres throughout the ages into an interconnected whole. Beloved carols ebb and flow alongside surprising and less familiar works in this program presented in the intimate setting of First Congregational Church. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019    |    7:30PM 


ECHOES OF PLAINCHANT: Ancient Melodies, Heavenly Harmonies 

saturday, september 21, 2019 at 7:30 PM

at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph
521 N Duluth Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Experience the timeless, ethereal beauty of plainchant and explore how these melodies have inspired composers from the medieval through modern eras to create works of sublime beauty. Featuring music spanning ten centuries, including works by Hildegard, Dufay, Taverner, Mouton, Bruckner, Duruflé, and Biebl. 

This concert Was part of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph's 2019-20 Sacred Arts Series.